O R I A N A R E G I S T R A T I O N F O R M ----------------------------------------------- Thank you for choosing to register Oriana. Registration costs 85 UK pounds or US$125 (plus shipping & handling). You may register by posting, faxing, or e-mailing the form below with your payment. Alternatively, you can order on-line with a credit card using our World Wide Web page (http://www.compulink.co.uk/kovcomp). In return you will receive: o the legal right to continue using the program beyond the evaluation period o the latest version of the program (without the shareware reminder messages on startup and on the output) o a full printed manual o notification of future versions as well as of other programs produced by Kovach Computing Services o special upgrade prices o technical support by phone, fax, e-mail or post Name: _________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ City, State, Province:_________________________________________ Postal/ZIP code, Country:______________________________________ Credit card number:______________________________ Exp.: _______ Signature:_____________________________________________________ Cardholder's address (if different than above)_________________ _______________________________________________________________ Disk size (circle one): 3.5" (720k) 5.25" (360k) ITEM UNIT PRICE QUANT. TOTAL Oriana UKP 85/US$125 _____ _____ Shipping UKP 2/US$3 in UK or Europe & handling UKP 4/US$6 elsewhere _____ Subtotal _____ VAT (17.5%, UK & European Union customers only) _____ TOTAL _____ Payment may be by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Access, or Eurocard), cheque or money order in UK pounds or US dollars (drawn on UK or US banks), or Eurocheque in UK pounds. Credit cards will be charged in UK pounds; your card company will bill you in your home currency. Please make cheques payable to "Kovach Computing Services" Departmental purchase orders will be accepted, but only for orders greater than UKP 50. European Union customers - if you are registered for VAT, please send your registration number; otherwise VAT will be charged at the UK rate. Dr. Warren L. Kovach Kovach Computing Services 85 Nant-y-Felin Pentraeth, Anglesey LL75 8UY Wales, U.K. phone/fax: +44-248-450414 e-mail: sales@kovcomp.demon.co.uk; CompuServe: 100016,2265 O R I A N A R E G I S T R A T I O N S U R V E Y --------------------------------------------------- I would appreciate it if you could answer the following questions: In what type of research or teaching are you using Oriana? What other types of analyses would you like to see in Oriana? What type of computer do you use (please specify brand, CPU type (8088, 80286, 80386, etc.), amount of memory, size of hard disk, presence of math chip, etc. Where did you get this copy of Oriana Shareware? (if from a BBS or shareware distributor, then the phone number or address would be useful to me for future upgrades)